I am not your typical farmer. Most people probably don’t consider me typical anything. Farming and homesteading were not something I ever planned to do. But I am now glad I get to do them.
Growing up, I enjoyed a varied diet of video games, cartons, and processed foods. Dental decay, seasonal allergies, and constant sickness were the inevitable result – a result that doctors and other denied was connected with my family’s food and lifestyle choices.
In my early 20s, I was waylaid by duodenal ulcers, my body’s final warning that some things were dreadfully awry. Thankfully, I listened. Over the course of a year, my fiancee (now wife) Jessica and I completely changed our understanding of food – what is food? How should it be raised? How should it be prepared?
This lead to thinking long and deep about farming, and eventually, moving out to a farm of our own.